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About Amadew Walt &


EMDR-trained mindfulness practitioner and psychotherapist specializing in treating anxiety and trauma-related mental health disorders, including depression, post-traumatic stress (PTSD), and self-esteem problems. I have a disposition naturally anchored in client-centered and solution-focused therapies. I utilize Eye-Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) which is especially useful in removing trauma responses and/or fear-wired responses and states, but also allows for reprogramming positive belief systems in place of old maladaptive ones. In addition to this, it facilitates increases in self-esteem, and self-worth, freeing the bondages of internalized negative messages and traumas.

Please keep reading for my experiential background.

About Amadew Walt ~



My name is Amadew Walt, I have spent the last several decades focused on healing and psychology, as well as following many teachers in metaphysical healing practices, psychology, mindfulness, and tending to my own journey of healing as I ventured to make myself a competent psychotherapist to serve individuals from their suffering and obstacles to living well .

I come from "the school of hard knocks", and have a history that might surprise some people. I have worked very hard to overcome and break through many glass ceilings to have the privilege of becoming capable of treating others in a small fraction of time, effort, and suffering compared to what it has taken me (a lot of CBT & mindfulness ~ decades!). 


The journey of becoming competent started with my education: I started my secondary education with 2 years at Grant MacEwan, then spent 3 years doing the Work-Coop Psychology Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) at University of Alberta. After graduating with Distinction, I volunteered at the U of A Sexual Assault Centre (a small feat to be accepted from the 1200 application cut-off, then the 70 who remained for the intensive and client-centred therapy training left 30 of us as successful candidates). I also did a 1-year psychology internship at the Edmonton Remand Centre for my 3rd year, wherein I developed a psycho-educational program, Thinking Skills Into Action, that I have been told is still utilized to help reduce recidivism and help inmates stay out of prison once released. I also provided sleep hygiene to inmates who could not sleep ~ a big problem when in a maximum security system. Though full-time for 12 months there, I was fortunate to also take part in a research study for children who are born deaf by teaching novel iconic items to toddlers and testing on recall during evenings and weekends. 


I departed from SAC at the U of A to work at a globally renowned addictions treatment centre, Poundmaker's Lodge. Initially as a program attendant, then quickly promoted to a position as Addictions Counsellor II. There I was privileged to take on many roles: I ran an adult smaller "clan" within the adult population for a 42-day - 56-day program for group therapy. But, also presented educational and other more ceremonious groups up to 65 people at a time. Poundmaker's Lodge played a pivotal role in my growth, but also inspired my desire to continue learning ~ especially as I continued to send clients who needed more than I could provide at that time to an EMDR-trained First Nation psychologist. The clients almost always came back smiling or satisfied, and so I knew I had to have the EMDR training and tools. After 2 years, I returned to school to complete my Master's Degree at Yorkville, an accredited program. I continued to do very well. I worked through my own social, general, specific phobias, and insomnia secondary to those armed with a 1-person anxiety clinic at the University of Alberta (a humble and empathetic psychiatrist, who remains to be my hero, who referred me to various psychologists and CBT therapies, while he remained my pillar and anchored me ~ to this day, I remain grateful to him for his empathy and generosities with his time and caring). He gave me so much by his mere presence and empathy, teaching me the value of rapport and humility. 

I had a few bumps in the road, it was not a linear trajectory (only in regression to the mean, for statistics lovers). In 2018 I completed Practicums at The Pride Centre and The Family Centre. The, I went on to start my contract with Insight Psychological as a Registered Provisional Psychologist. There I delved into more work with LGBTQ2S* communities as a sex therapist, and was blessed to be encouraged to do my EMDR which I found under Roy Kiessling (2nd generation, as he spent 10 years with Francine Shapiro, who started the inception of EMDR). I flew to Vancouver where I did a 5-day Intensive EMDR Workshop under him and continued for months under a member within his EMDR Consulting team, & accredited with EMDRIA in Canada. Alongside the many textbooks and presentations since then, I continued some connections with him, being 3rd generation in EMDR and beyond with teachings by Sue Genist and Robin Shapiro. I have studied to expand my knowledge and maintain my competence, also by utilizing Roy Kiessling's work and texts from Francine and others, since that time. 

After 2 years at Insight Psychological, mentoring under Cory Hrushka and Deborah Johansson, I left to start my own private practice, Amadew Walt Psychological Services, working with other psychologists and therapists at Mid-Town Wellness. 


I excelled at treating my clients after my first year, and gained confidence as I grew over my 5 years as a provisional. It was then that I really fulfilled my role at Practitioner-Researcher. I had taken on a lot, and there were many stressors over the pandemic of Covid-19. However, my passion for treating clients remained strong ~ I feel I have found my dharma, and helping clients gives me my manna (my nourishment from the heavens). It's the first time in my life where my heart rate goes down on my way to work!! Once I gained confidence in my abilities to successfully treat clients, I also too broke through glass ceilings of my own. I started to make connections that helped me as an INFJ-personality, to understand myself at deeper levels, and understand my weaknesses and strengths. Clients returned to tell me how I changed their lives, some told me I was a "game-changer". It was a dream that came true! Plus, I fell so naturally into the therapies made by other INFJ therapists like Carl Rogers and Carl Jung (both INFJs). I also volunteered at iHuman with street youth, using art therapy as a medium for building rapports with youth seeking resources. â€‹


I am comfortable with most walks of life, and especially with "minorities" who tend to be my majorities. I am an intuitive therapist, and have much empathy to offer as it is who I am. I am not attracted to power, money, or status ~ But, rather to the individual who needs a little assistance to get to where they want to go or who they potentially want to become. As my journey grew mindfully ~ finding mentors along the way ~ I started to finally create a baseline for myself, sleeping naturally, my circadian clock started to calibrate on a regular schedule. However, I started to feel as though I was a hypocrite in preaching holistic and life balances to my clients, while not doing the same for myself. Furthermore, I saw a neo-industrial and sick culture wherein most people were overworking ~ including myself. Consequently, I crumbled under patriarchal and neo-industrial (my own term) ideals of being invincible. Being an INFJ, I feel I belong to a small community in western cultures - 2% of people here fall into this personality of being dominantly introverted and intuitive, versus extroverted and sensing. Although it is more common in collectivistic cultures (Asian, for example). It helps me to be a better therapist, like my predecessors aforementioned. 


I named our clinic Psi (the sign of psychology, and the fibonacci - sacred geometry in the beginning of the architecture of life) as the seed of new beginnings on the right pathway in harmony with life. Blue for the sea, and beautiful healing it brings as the majority of this planet we inhabit. But, also as a holistic "we", and Blue Pearl - a state of mind attained from years of meditation and mindfulness, and a very special union with one's self and the inner witness that never changes ~ a place to return to. 




Amadew Raspberry Walt, MACP





Therapeutic Techniques

EMDR Therapy 2019, 2020, 2021

Rogerian Client-Centred Therapy 2010

Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy 2009, 2011, 2018

Solution-Focused Therapy 2019

EMDR Certified Practitioner



Work Co-op Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, 2010

Intern ~ Edmonton Remand Centre     2008-2009

Practicums ~ 2017-2019 Edmonton Pride Centre 

2017-2018 ~ The Family Centre

Registered Provisional Psychologist, 2800p

2018-2020 Insight Psychological Inc. (North & South)

2020-2023 Amadew Walt Psychological Services

Master of Arts in  Counselling Psychology 2018


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